BEACHY GIRL DESIGNS was just an idea formed during the cold month of February in 2016. Sitting here in Kingston, TN waiting for the daffodils to bloom, I couldn't wait to visit my daughter, Suzanne in Myrtle Beach, SC. Warmer weather, strolls along the beach, watching the waves roll in and listening to the seagulls. Sitting here with visions of people frolicking in the ocean, the aromatic smells of suntan oils, the sun beaming down, it came to me...After endless phone calls and tossing ideas back and forth, we decided to form a company that sells nothing but products associated with "Girls That Love The Beach!" I also wanted to make and sell affordable clothing for the every day woman and with sizes from XS and up to accommodate the petite to the curvy girl.
One design, one logo that of course was inspired by my red hair, love of the color purple, and a longing since I was a little girl to always be on the beach. But, we want you to know that it was also meant for EVERY woman, young or old that is passionate about the beach and the ocean!! Whether you only get to visit a beach once or twice a year or you are an everyday avid beach goer. It's the serenity you feel inside for every time you look out over the vast ocean, walk the sandy shore and breathe in the salty air. The feeling that I am meant to be here, the calming effect it has on your soul and the excitement that you breathe in. Passion, desire and inner peace that takes over when you just stand on a beach.
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